Spectra Electronics has a rich and impressive history. The journey began in the late 1970s with the programming of microprocessors, coinciding with the introduction of the Apple II. In the early 1980s, groundbreaking projects and devices were developed under the name "HLS Medical Electronics." With the establishment of Soliddata, the focus shifted to the integration of mini-mainframes, allowing the company to grow into an expert in embedded electronics and microcontrollers.
This evolution ultimately led to the founding of Spectra Electronics, a leading engineering firm that combines decades of experience with innovative technologies to provide our clients with the best solutions. The driving force behind Spectra Electronics is engineer Harm Lok.
“In my youth, I developed an interest in everything related to electricity and electronics. From an early age, I was introduced to the repair of TVs, radios, and household appliances. This fascination with the composition and construction of electronics and computers has never faded since.
I now have over 35 years of experience designing with analog and digital discrete components, embedded systems, and personal computers. I still spend most of my time designing and realizing a wide variety of embedded products, software, and sustainable solutions for various companies and institutions.
Particularly due to my experience with the earliest to the latest microcontrollers, as well as the evolving programming techniques and insights, I have gained a broader vision for new designs. Thinking outside the current frameworks and integrating proven methods and techniques into new technologies often leads to more innovative and sustainable products.
Spectra Electronics was born out of my specific passion for designing new, sustainable, conventional, or embedded electronic products. Together with various partner companies, I have turned many ideas into sustainable solutions and products.
I am eager to leverage my passion and experience in technology for your perfect idea, product, or algorithm.”